The boat I spent eight days on, the Nemo.
Frigate bird. These birds don't have enough oil to protect their flight feathers from the water, so they steal fish from other birds.
Sea turtle tracks, they come up to the beach to lay eggs.
Brown Pelican.
Marine Iguana.
Marine Iguana swimming in a brackish lagoon.
Volcanic rock covered in different species of lichen.
Juvenile marine iguanas.
Lava Lizard perched on volcanic rock.
Lava Heron.
Great Blue Heron.
Another lava lizard.
Sea Lions!
Baby sea lion napping.
Juvenile sea lions playing in the shallow water.
Sally Lightfoot crab, so called because it walks on it's tiptoes. They are black when young, their bright colors only show up as they reach sexual maturity.
Blue-footed Booby and a Galapagos Penguin.
Galapagos Giant Tortoises.
Female laval lizard.
White-cheeked pintail ducks.
Prickly Pear cactus. I had no idea they grew tall like this!
Fiddler crabs.
Green Sea Urchin.
Yellow Geiger.
Galapagos post office. People leave postcards for others to hand deliver!
Galapagos Dove.
Galapagos Hawk.
Swallow-tailed gull.
Nazca booby.
Wave Albatross.
Nazca booby with a chick.
Wave albatrosses doing their mating dance.
Galapagos Mockingbird I think?
Saddleback Tortoise.
Land Iguana.
Big-ass orb spider!
Lava lizards mating I think?
Red-footed Booby. The only species of booby that can perch in trees.
One of the infamous Darwin's Finches, which lead to the theory of evolution.
The only time they hoisted the sails on the Nemo, the boat I spent eight days on.
The back of the Nemo, where we ate our meals.
Galapagos Mockingbird.
A rare species of land iguana.
Hybrid land / marine iguana. The two species interbreed, but the hybrids are infertile.
Yellow Flycatcher.
Perched frigate birds.
Spotted Eagle Ray.
Golden Cownose Rays.
Puerto Villamil on Isla Isabela.
A small lava cave, formed by a bubble of volcanic gas.
Lava tube.
On the left the lava is older, oxidation has caused it to turn reddish-brown. On the right, you can see newer lava, which is closer to black.
Lava wave.
A really large collapsed lava tunnel.
I *think* this is a fur seal, rather than a sea lion. It's a bit hard to tell them apart, but the seals are bigger and have a more stubby nose.
Galapagos Penguins.
Lava bridge.